Saturday, September 15, 2012

Well Whata Ya Know !

Several months ago I posted on this blog some excerpts from a book entitled "Transformational Churches" by Thomas Rainer.  Well to say the least they were not well received and even got me accused of being someting that I am not... emergent.  The person/s who were making those accusations didn't do their homework and it caused a rif in the body of Christ. Now its been several months ago and to be honest; I don't actually concern myself with that. The point I'm trying to make is this....  The very resource that was maligned and touted as "emergent" is actually the basis of four (4) Sunday School lessons this coming quarter.  It's not that I'm gloating... to do that would only prove that I'm not over it.  The point or lesson to be learned here is to check your facts and actually read or study the material first before we go accusing one another of this or that.

As I write this blog; I'm encouraging the folks at our church to "ReDream the Dream". This is an emphasis to determine the why of our existence and the what, how, and where of our vision and goals.  This particular book gives some great examples and encouragement of what is needed to transform into the church that Jesus wants us to be.  I realize that a book is just a book.  There are millions of books; you are correct. And you would say adamantly that there ois only one book that we need to follow "The Bible" and you would be correct again. So what's the deal with these books ?  These books ARE NOT scripture nor do I nor should anyone else hold them along side or above God's Word.  However; these are tools to make the job easier, to provide some guidance on the "how to" of ministry. These books are written from experience/s of the authors and provide some very good ideas and priciples to consider.

Now before I get assasinated again.... God's Word has and will always have the final say so... the ultimate authority!  When these other books are read; I do challenge the thoughts and principles using God's Word. I will always give way to God's Word over anything a man has written.  That being said; I will also say that I will not stop trying to learn from others experiences and mistakes. Many of these authors have been and are great men of God. Truth be known I have personally met and sat through a seminar taught by Thomas Rainer. You will not find a better man of God period.

My rant is over.  I want all who read this blog to expand their kknowledge base and get out of their rut.  Read articles, blogs, books to broaden our mind and certainly our hearts. But most of all read God's Word and ask the Holy Spirit to help us understand the deep things not just the feel good stuff.


Pastor Dan