Sunday, October 7, 2012

Changing the Flow of Old Thinking

    It is the way of life for most of us;  we are challenged to accept and actually perform differently then we were yesterday.  We go to work to find policies changed or modified, for better or for worse that's the way it is.... don't ask! 

It becomes suddenly different when it is something we cherish or want to hang onto isn't it?  Now it is imperative to make those changes, to update, to get the latest and greatest techniques, procedures, skills and on and on. These affect our presentation/s and our way of communicating with our chosen audience whether they be captive or not.  Nothing seems to stop us from acquiring the necessary information and material/s.

So why is it?  What is the difference?  How does it make things change?  And a hundred other questions come to mind. 

What am I talking about?  I think you know by now; at least if you have been paying attention.  I am talking about our (yours and mine) approach in presenting the Gospel to the world around us!  Why is it we continue to use the same old tired methods that didn't work then and don't now. Why do we dig our heels in and not allow the Gospel to be presented in ways that will connect with a lost and dying world?  From our written by-laws, policies, constitutions, SOPs and even our job descriptions we utilize that which we know best ....OLD tattered thought processes and flow. 

You are saying that it is tried and true and needs no tweaking, updating, or changing in any way.  If you're talking about the Gospel message...YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!  However; if you are talking about the methods, schools of thought, and the general way we do things... I contend that you are wrong and in danger of driving people away with the "old traditional" and antiquated way of doing business.

Why do we have a constitution for a people of 350 when we average 30 in our churches.... because we've always done it that way... and we wonder why we can't get people to help.   They are already wearing 6 different hats...  So what would I suggest... I would suggest a TEAM approach vice the current way of doing things.  Develop a TEAM which actually takes the place of the old church council and elect members to it. They are in charge of the particular ministries... people are free to join when ever and where ever to serve out of their giftedness and not necessity....

When we begin to realize that we as a society no longer think on a linear plane... and we actually think and operate on a spiral... it makes all the difference in our approaches to what we do and how we do it.  There are great examples of this "spiral" thinking... "Friends" and "Sienfeld" television programs are great examples.  The conversations seem all over the place but come together to accomplish that one task or goal.  Yes, there are some of you that will scream that we don't get our doctrine and teaching from tv shows... CORRECT AGAIN!  But we need to take a lesson from the methodology because that is the world in which we find ourselves.  So how am I suppose to reach these folks if I can't even carry on a conversation with them?

The message you and I have to tell the world is way to precious to hide behind old thinking and older methods!  I can't speak for you; but I am continuing to learn new ways, methods, language, and even adopt to the culture to present the "Gospel" of the ages!


Didn't Jesus change your life?