Thursday, January 26, 2012


This blogging thing is really a useful tool providing one knows how to use it! We send out notices that we have a blog and ask folks to read it and become members.  Then we write jot down put into print our thoughts, mind sets. 

So how different is that from what we are suppose to be doing with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  We spend enormous amount of time on various media playing games, keeping up with each other, research (that what I call just surfing the net) and even do our personal business on line. 

Have we ever thought of utilizing the chat rooms and the various media outlets to spread the Gospel to those far and wide?  Is it possible... YES !!   Have I done it?   Oh yes !!  And yes I have led people to the saving knowledge of Jesus over the Internet; they were from other countries too.  My last endeavor over this medium was to lead my grandson to saving faith in Jesus via text over our phones.

Is it cheapening the Gospel or somehow not the "authorized" way of witnessing?  NOPE !!!   It is utilizing anything and everything to get the Gospel out there. We (the modern church) have this notion that if build it they will come.... only in the movies my dear friends.  The best and most effective (not efficient) way of spreading the Gospel is to be a living breathing billboard for Jesus !  Yes, your lifestyle is the most important and the most seen/read/observed/monitored/explored and whatever else you might think of.  When people ask what makes you weird (they don't say different anymore) then you can take the opportunity and tell them the story of Jesus and present His salvation to them for them to choose.

So the next time you get a friend request or so and so is searching for you.  Or even if you go into some chat rooms.  Spread the Good News of the Savior who dies for you and them!  Tell 'em bout this Jesus and don't be afraid to say what needs to be said.  After all; they can't see ya BUT they can hear ya now !

1 comment:

  1. Agree, 100%! Didn't realize texting played such an important role with your grandson...very cool!
