Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Using What's Available Part 2

Interestingly enough; this technology thingy is really amazing. While some can make their computers and phones dance; I can hardly get mine to forward emails. However; that is not stopping me from trying to do something in the up coming Experiencing God Bible study.

A friend of mine from Seattle, WA has asked if she could join the group and do Exp. God from a satellite location in Seattle.  Of course I said yes; thinking I was going to give her updates via Facebook or email after the class.  Imagine my surprise when my brain screamed out ( I bet yours does too); "Hey Dan? and I answered aloud no less.... What?"  Why don't you utilize Skype; just like they do for conferences etc...  Well brain of mine... that is a wonderful idea!

So in a couple of weeks; and if the WiFi cooperates; we will have her in our class via Skype.  Pretty neat huh?  I know for you techies out there this is so "old school" but at least I 'm in the 21st century and not trying to teach with 2 dimensional "flat Stanley" flannel graph. 

I will let you know how it progresses.  Hey, we might even hook up the camera....OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!  Yeah I know.

What are your thoughts on this?  Love to hear from ya.

Pastor Dan

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Egypt - Our Natural Default Position

Sunday February 19, 2012  I will be preaching a new sermon series entitled "South by Southwest     Egypt - Our Natural Default Position".  The series deals with how Israel came to Egypt during a famine in the world.  How they stayed too long and became slaves.  How they escaped to the wilderness and complained the whole time because they wanted to go back to Egypt.

How many of us have a personal or corporate "Egypt"?  What is it that draws us backward to the time/s where we think are the "good old days".  I realize as people we have a tendency to not embrace let alone engage change.  But why is that?  We buy new cars, new clothes, even wear our hair different (some have to some don't).  We change our bedding, we change our clothes, we even change classes in school. So what is it about change we do not like? 

Maybe it is because of the unknown.... we do not know the outcome or where this road is headed. Then again; most of us know exactly where it is headed but don't want to go there.  There is stability in not changing and we like to keep things where we can control it.  That may be one of the causes we don't like change... we can no longer control the situation/s.  But God can and does control each minute detail of our lives.  So why is it we trust Him for our salvation then go ballistic when He begins to change us and the our surroundings.?

So let me ask this..... "What or whom is your Egypt?"    I'd love to read your comments so feel free to log them here.

Pastor Dan

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


What would it look like if I gave Jesus a willing heart?  I mean we talk about it all the time; we try to describe it, and even try to make it happen BUT really.... what would it look like?

I don't know 'bout you but for me it is described in Psalm 51.  This is the Psalm where David is confessing his sin with Bathsheba.  I'm sure you remember the story but if not let me refresh your memory.  David saw Bathsheba bathing on a roof top one evening; lust over came him. He called for her and used his influence as king to sleep with her. The result was that Bathsheba became pregnant. After finding out the news; David called for her husband Uriah to come home on leave.  Uriah came home but did not goto his own home as David had planned.Instead Uriah stayed right outside the king's place.  Well David finally sent Uriah back to the fiercest fighting and told the other military leaders to abandon Uriah so he would be killed.   Now Psalm 51 deals with Nathan (the prophet) coming in and telling David he was the guilty party.  Now David is confessing his sin in this Psalm.

I would like us to look at somethings that are a must if we are going to have that "willing heart".  Each verse has a word or action that is the main thought or principle.  Let me show you...

Verse 1    "recognition of my sin"

Vs 2         " God's cleansing"

Vs 3         "self awareness of my sin"

Vs 4         " God's Holiness"

Vs 5         " my sin nature"

Vs 6         " my heart issues"

Vs 7           " act of cleansing"

Vs 8 & 9    "don't hold the sin against me"

Vs 10        " a new creature"

Vs  11       "intimate relationship"

Vs 12        " spiritual restoration"

Vs  13      " teaching others what I learned"  discipling

Vs  14     " God take my guilt"

Vs  15     " let me praise God!"

Vs  16      " describes true worship"

Vs  17      " a broken and contrite heart"

These are the elements of a "willing heart".  Once my heart is willing; then the Master can use me in any way He deems necessary.  It is my willing heart that makes the difference in the world around me.  Do they see Jesus or do they see me?   If my heart is willing then they will see Jesus shining in all I do.  What 'bout you?