Interestingly enough; this technology thingy is really amazing. While some can make their computers and phones dance; I can hardly get mine to forward emails. However; that is not stopping me from trying to do something in the up coming Experiencing God Bible study.
A friend of mine from Seattle, WA has asked if she could join the group and do Exp. God from a satellite location in Seattle. Of course I said yes; thinking I was going to give her updates via Facebook or email after the class. Imagine my surprise when my brain screamed out ( I bet yours does too); "Hey Dan? and I answered aloud no less.... What?" Why don't you utilize Skype; just like they do for conferences etc... Well brain of mine... that is a wonderful idea!
So in a couple of weeks; and if the WiFi cooperates; we will have her in our class via Skype. Pretty neat huh? I know for you techies out there this is so "old school" but at least I 'm in the 21st century and not trying to teach with 2 dimensional "flat Stanley" flannel graph.
I will let you know how it progresses. Hey, we might even hook up the camera....OOOOOOHHHHHH!!! Yeah I know.
What are your thoughts on this? Love to hear from ya.
Pastor Dan
If you use Google+ you can have multiple people join from afar through their hangout feature.