Friday, January 25, 2013

Change is an everyday occurance !

In case you haven't noticed it; change is happening more rapidly than we first imagined!  It doesn't take much observation to noticed that everything around us is changing... most for the good but some for the bad.  From the shopping mall/s to the local mom and pop stores... change is the word of the day.  The ever changing labeling, placement, and pricing that takes place everyday in any given retailer is just overwhelming.  Add to that the changes that are taking place in our society and way of life.  It gets worse as I get older... yes I said that word.. OLDER!   I remember when... comes out of my mouth more than I care to admit. 

So what has this got to with anything?  Well absolutely nothing and then again... everything!

We live in an ever changing world with ever changing methods, thinking, and even our morals seem to be changing.  There is severe pushback in areas of our lives that naturally takes place.  For instance... I am not 18  nor even 35, not even 45 any longer.  Tell my brain that !  I am still that young strong good looking... well maybe who has the strength to do what he wants when he wants.  But the truth of the matter is that if I act like that.. and I do at times... I pay a tremendous price both physically and emotionally.  Sore muscles, aching joints I can handle most of the time.  Its the emotional black and blue marks that ding my pride and bruise my ego that are hard to deal with.

So what is it I'm trying to say...

We are living in times that change so fast we as mere humans can not grasp nor comprehend.  But to stand still and settle for yesterdays methods or technologies is not the answer.  So lets take a look at how Jesus handled things when it came to change...

Jesus was a change agent... He brought change everywhere He went and in anyone He met.  Lives were changed from the outside and hearts were changed from the inside!  He cautioned us to not to try to put the new wine into old skins because the skins would break under the expanding gases and we would loose everything!  The lesson we need to learn is that we too must change and must develop new and different ways to present the same UNCHANGABLE Gospel!

We at North Hill Baptist Church are entering into a "Revitalization" program that will challenge us, get after us, encourage us, and yes even change us!  Why would we do that?  Because we realize that we are not reaching the community around us... we desire that eveyone at least hear the Gospel message at least once in their lives.  WE want to minister and become a viable part of our community once again. We want to impact the city and county for God's Kingdom.

Join us if you dare !  I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU TO TRY!


Pastor Dan

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