Monday, January 30, 2017

Back At Ya

Hey Folks;

After a couple of years away from the blog; I decided I should fire up the account once again.

So much has transpired since my last entry .... don't know where to begin.  Maybe the best place is to deal with what is on my heart at the moment.

My heart aches !!!   It aches because of my wandering from my Lord.  It aches because of the world around me and the choices that affect each of us.  My heart is unsettled because I have let the minor replace the major in my life.

So how does one go about getting back to where my heart rejoices and is content ?  Like the story found in Luke 15... all it takes is to turn around and start back home.  Laying down the corn husks of a self righteous prideful man.

Like the younger son; I have taken the benefits and blessings of my Father and squandered them on riotous living.  No... not drunkenness... or debauchery... or even the wild lifestyles of the day....

No... BUT I have taken those blessed things and subjected them to my prideful will and failed to placed them under His guiding loving hands.  To even think that I could and at times did do things "my" way and expect God to bless is just insanity !

The heart aches because of my behaviors and no one else's.... my choices and not anyone else.
As Don Francisco said in one of his songs " It's you're own fault, you went ahead and did it. You can't blame anyone else but yourself!" I am guilty as charged.

The great blessing from all of this is this...

God in His compassion and love for me ( and you too ) has forgiven me. He has drawn me back into the fold and has killed the fatted calf.  A son has wandered but has returned. 

Thank you Jesus for your love ...  forgiveness ... and for the way you deal with me.

Thought you should know...

A humbled servant

Pastor Dan

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