Friday, July 22, 2022

What Flavor is the Kool-Aid versus The Water of Life

     I remember years ago, late seventies I believe; a cult leader buy the name of Jim Jones. Some of you  remember this person and know the story of "drinking the Kool Aid".

    That is what I want to address today! That is why I titled this "What Flavor is the Kool-Aid versus The Water of Life.

    Paul addresses this situation in 1 Cor. 1:10-13 when he challenges the Corinthian church.

    We used to have a saying when I was active duty; "The more things change the more they stay the same."  Solomon tells us that there is nothing new under the sun. So we find ourselves dealing with the same issues as the church at Corinth.

    We all have our favorite preacher / theologian that for us speaks into our souls and makes everthing just right. 

    Paul addresses this well and tries to explain to the church in Corinth that each one has a different calling or mission if you will.

    When we give credence to man's opinion - philosophy - interpretation we defeat the purpose of God's Word. We are actually reverting back to the dark ages where the so called theologians and leaders would interpret and tell us what the Bible says with their particular slant etc.

    Instead, we should challenge ourselves to be like the Bereans in Acts searching diligently  everyday to see if these so called theologians - pastors - teachers are indeed teaching - interpreting - preaching God's Word and "Not another Gospel".

    One more point ... another saying comes to mind  "You brought this upon yourself!"

    Is it any wonder that our churches are in turmoil?



    Pastor Dan

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