Thursday, July 14, 2022

 We are encouraged to be in God's Word everyday; absolutely true. But have you ever wondered if there is such a thing as TOO MUCH?

Now that I have your attention...

In our finite mind we tend to think that more is better.  More money ( who wouldn't want more ) ... more security ... more free time ... and on and on.  So what if I told you that sometimes we tend to over indulge in the good things.  Yes I am referring to our thirst for more knowledge of God's Word.

NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE you might say.

Let me define and explain what I am referring to...  

We often take time out of our busy day for the reading and meditation of God's Word. Absolutely essential for a intimate personal relationship with an Almighty God through Jesus Christ. But the question jumps off the page; How much is too much?

From my years of walking with Jesus (47) I have found that quality trumps quantity every time!

In my rush to know more I sometimes have left some golden nuggets in the passage. I simply was in a rush to meet a deadline or in my skewed thinking to know more and more, I simply skipped over the deeper meaning and application. 

So how should we approach this problem?

This has worked for me; maybe it will work for you. 

1. Be methodical ... not mechanical      

2. Read God's Word for you not someone else 

3. Limit ( yes limit ) your reading to one to three sources... anymore then that you will miss those nuggets

4. Remember, quality first... quantity will take care of itself

Hope this helps.

A humble servant just like you!

Pastor Dan Andrus

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