Sunday, October 7, 2012

Changing the Flow of Old Thinking

    It is the way of life for most of us;  we are challenged to accept and actually perform differently then we were yesterday.  We go to work to find policies changed or modified, for better or for worse that's the way it is.... don't ask! 

It becomes suddenly different when it is something we cherish or want to hang onto isn't it?  Now it is imperative to make those changes, to update, to get the latest and greatest techniques, procedures, skills and on and on. These affect our presentation/s and our way of communicating with our chosen audience whether they be captive or not.  Nothing seems to stop us from acquiring the necessary information and material/s.

So why is it?  What is the difference?  How does it make things change?  And a hundred other questions come to mind. 

What am I talking about?  I think you know by now; at least if you have been paying attention.  I am talking about our (yours and mine) approach in presenting the Gospel to the world around us!  Why is it we continue to use the same old tired methods that didn't work then and don't now. Why do we dig our heels in and not allow the Gospel to be presented in ways that will connect with a lost and dying world?  From our written by-laws, policies, constitutions, SOPs and even our job descriptions we utilize that which we know best ....OLD tattered thought processes and flow. 

You are saying that it is tried and true and needs no tweaking, updating, or changing in any way.  If you're talking about the Gospel message...YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!  However; if you are talking about the methods, schools of thought, and the general way we do things... I contend that you are wrong and in danger of driving people away with the "old traditional" and antiquated way of doing business.

Why do we have a constitution for a people of 350 when we average 30 in our churches.... because we've always done it that way... and we wonder why we can't get people to help.   They are already wearing 6 different hats...  So what would I suggest... I would suggest a TEAM approach vice the current way of doing things.  Develop a TEAM which actually takes the place of the old church council and elect members to it. They are in charge of the particular ministries... people are free to join when ever and where ever to serve out of their giftedness and not necessity....

When we begin to realize that we as a society no longer think on a linear plane... and we actually think and operate on a spiral... it makes all the difference in our approaches to what we do and how we do it.  There are great examples of this "spiral" thinking... "Friends" and "Sienfeld" television programs are great examples.  The conversations seem all over the place but come together to accomplish that one task or goal.  Yes, there are some of you that will scream that we don't get our doctrine and teaching from tv shows... CORRECT AGAIN!  But we need to take a lesson from the methodology because that is the world in which we find ourselves.  So how am I suppose to reach these folks if I can't even carry on a conversation with them?

The message you and I have to tell the world is way to precious to hide behind old thinking and older methods!  I can't speak for you; but I am continuing to learn new ways, methods, language, and even adopt to the culture to present the "Gospel" of the ages!


Didn't Jesus change your life?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Well Whata Ya Know !

Several months ago I posted on this blog some excerpts from a book entitled "Transformational Churches" by Thomas Rainer.  Well to say the least they were not well received and even got me accused of being someting that I am not... emergent.  The person/s who were making those accusations didn't do their homework and it caused a rif in the body of Christ. Now its been several months ago and to be honest; I don't actually concern myself with that. The point I'm trying to make is this....  The very resource that was maligned and touted as "emergent" is actually the basis of four (4) Sunday School lessons this coming quarter.  It's not that I'm gloating... to do that would only prove that I'm not over it.  The point or lesson to be learned here is to check your facts and actually read or study the material first before we go accusing one another of this or that.

As I write this blog; I'm encouraging the folks at our church to "ReDream the Dream". This is an emphasis to determine the why of our existence and the what, how, and where of our vision and goals.  This particular book gives some great examples and encouragement of what is needed to transform into the church that Jesus wants us to be.  I realize that a book is just a book.  There are millions of books; you are correct. And you would say adamantly that there ois only one book that we need to follow "The Bible" and you would be correct again. So what's the deal with these books ?  These books ARE NOT scripture nor do I nor should anyone else hold them along side or above God's Word.  However; these are tools to make the job easier, to provide some guidance on the "how to" of ministry. These books are written from experience/s of the authors and provide some very good ideas and priciples to consider.

Now before I get assasinated again.... God's Word has and will always have the final say so... the ultimate authority!  When these other books are read; I do challenge the thoughts and principles using God's Word. I will always give way to God's Word over anything a man has written.  That being said; I will also say that I will not stop trying to learn from others experiences and mistakes. Many of these authors have been and are great men of God. Truth be known I have personally met and sat through a seminar taught by Thomas Rainer. You will not find a better man of God period.

My rant is over.  I want all who read this blog to expand their kknowledge base and get out of their rut.  Read articles, blogs, books to broaden our mind and certainly our hearts. But most of all read God's Word and ask the Holy Spirit to help us understand the deep things not just the feel good stuff.


Pastor Dan

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Using What's Available Part 2

Interestingly enough; this technology thingy is really amazing. While some can make their computers and phones dance; I can hardly get mine to forward emails. However; that is not stopping me from trying to do something in the up coming Experiencing God Bible study.

A friend of mine from Seattle, WA has asked if she could join the group and do Exp. God from a satellite location in Seattle.  Of course I said yes; thinking I was going to give her updates via Facebook or email after the class.  Imagine my surprise when my brain screamed out ( I bet yours does too); "Hey Dan? and I answered aloud no less.... What?"  Why don't you utilize Skype; just like they do for conferences etc...  Well brain of mine... that is a wonderful idea!

So in a couple of weeks; and if the WiFi cooperates; we will have her in our class via Skype.  Pretty neat huh?  I know for you techies out there this is so "old school" but at least I 'm in the 21st century and not trying to teach with 2 dimensional "flat Stanley" flannel graph. 

I will let you know how it progresses.  Hey, we might even hook up the camera....OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!  Yeah I know.

What are your thoughts on this?  Love to hear from ya.

Pastor Dan

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Egypt - Our Natural Default Position

Sunday February 19, 2012  I will be preaching a new sermon series entitled "South by Southwest     Egypt - Our Natural Default Position".  The series deals with how Israel came to Egypt during a famine in the world.  How they stayed too long and became slaves.  How they escaped to the wilderness and complained the whole time because they wanted to go back to Egypt.

How many of us have a personal or corporate "Egypt"?  What is it that draws us backward to the time/s where we think are the "good old days".  I realize as people we have a tendency to not embrace let alone engage change.  But why is that?  We buy new cars, new clothes, even wear our hair different (some have to some don't).  We change our bedding, we change our clothes, we even change classes in school. So what is it about change we do not like? 

Maybe it is because of the unknown.... we do not know the outcome or where this road is headed. Then again; most of us know exactly where it is headed but don't want to go there.  There is stability in not changing and we like to keep things where we can control it.  That may be one of the causes we don't like change... we can no longer control the situation/s.  But God can and does control each minute detail of our lives.  So why is it we trust Him for our salvation then go ballistic when He begins to change us and the our surroundings.?

So let me ask this..... "What or whom is your Egypt?"    I'd love to read your comments so feel free to log them here.

Pastor Dan

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


What would it look like if I gave Jesus a willing heart?  I mean we talk about it all the time; we try to describe it, and even try to make it happen BUT really.... what would it look like?

I don't know 'bout you but for me it is described in Psalm 51.  This is the Psalm where David is confessing his sin with Bathsheba.  I'm sure you remember the story but if not let me refresh your memory.  David saw Bathsheba bathing on a roof top one evening; lust over came him. He called for her and used his influence as king to sleep with her. The result was that Bathsheba became pregnant. After finding out the news; David called for her husband Uriah to come home on leave.  Uriah came home but did not goto his own home as David had planned.Instead Uriah stayed right outside the king's place.  Well David finally sent Uriah back to the fiercest fighting and told the other military leaders to abandon Uriah so he would be killed.   Now Psalm 51 deals with Nathan (the prophet) coming in and telling David he was the guilty party.  Now David is confessing his sin in this Psalm.

I would like us to look at somethings that are a must if we are going to have that "willing heart".  Each verse has a word or action that is the main thought or principle.  Let me show you...

Verse 1    "recognition of my sin"

Vs 2         " God's cleansing"

Vs 3         "self awareness of my sin"

Vs 4         " God's Holiness"

Vs 5         " my sin nature"

Vs 6         " my heart issues"

Vs 7           " act of cleansing"

Vs 8 & 9    "don't hold the sin against me"

Vs 10        " a new creature"

Vs  11       "intimate relationship"

Vs 12        " spiritual restoration"

Vs  13      " teaching others what I learned"  discipling

Vs  14     " God take my guilt"

Vs  15     " let me praise God!"

Vs  16      " describes true worship"

Vs  17      " a broken and contrite heart"

These are the elements of a "willing heart".  Once my heart is willing; then the Master can use me in any way He deems necessary.  It is my willing heart that makes the difference in the world around me.  Do they see Jesus or do they see me?   If my heart is willing then they will see Jesus shining in all I do.  What 'bout you?

Monday, January 30, 2012

"Straight from the Heart"

I often wonder at times why we bother to do anything. I mean, why do we do what we do?  Is it something that is required or is it something we enjoy or is it just because we don't stop and think?

Take this thing we call "worship".  In today's setting it is often referring to the music portion of a religious service.  Some even go as far as saying it is a lifestyle (I'm in this camp.). So why do we worship (do) the way we do and why is it so hard to let this thing just die a natural death?

As some of you know I am reading a book titled "Transformational Church". I am learning and relearning some things. Not bad for an old dog huh ?  I would like to go where angels fear to tread and mention some things about our modern day worship settings and experiences. Mind you now; I am in the midst of finding our way through and along this long journey.

I will try to list page numbers so those who would like to can read it for themselves.

page 148   Transformational churches actively embrace Jesus through music.

From here on our Transformational churches will be referred to as TCs

page 149   TCs have such a love for 'god that they know worship is a manner of living and not a mode of church programming.

page 150  In a TC people arrive with expectancy and leave with excitement

page 154  Corporate gatherings should push people beyond mere observation of religious activities to an experience with the gospel. When people attend worship, are they simply observing a show or being transformed by God?

page 154 and 155  Worship serves to connect us with Christ and equip us for ministry. Little of substance will be done in the name of a God we have never experienced. True worship allows us to experience God at a deeper level. When you experience God on a deeper level, personal and corporate mission will always follow.

page 156  Worship is the volitional act of engaging and speaking publicly about the work of God. Worship is not music but includes it. Style does not determine the message of Christ.  WORSHIP IS A MATTER OF THE HEART.

page 157  When worship becomes an issue of style instead of heart, then there's a problem.

Reducing worship to a focus on style removes God as the reason for gathering.

page 159   Remember, worship is an issue of the heart. And from the biblical record, we find no such thing as Christian music, only christian lyrics.

page 162  TCs find a way for people to avoid debates about place, style, and method.

page 164  Worship must never be about me but about God and His glory.

 In corporate gatherings we are never called to lead worship but to lead people into the presence of

Worship is a spiritual discipline that communicates a biblical meaning in a cultural form.

Worship from your unity and choose music out of your mission.

page 166  Research confirms the fact that growing churches tend to be more contemporary in worship style than traditional.

Worship is to be understood by those in need of transformation.

page 167  The message of the Messiah should always be "seeker comprehensible".

The challenge might be for your congregation to move out of their church "comfort zone" to speak the language of people in your community who need Christ.

Well I think you get the picture by now.  This worship thing is way more than my preferences. In fact
if I even remotely try to introduce my preference/s I am not really worshipping.

IT IS ALL A HEART ISSUE !!!    When we get our heart in tune with Jesus; style and method doesn't matter.  When are we going to lay aside this nonsense and get busy reaching the world around us with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

The old ways are just that OLD !  Do they have a place  YES! 

What is being asked here is that you me they us all everyone lay aside the personal preference/s and do our best to reach those who are in need of a Savior.   We will all of eternity to quibble over the 1st and 3rd beat is devil music thingy.  Really now......................................

Sunday, January 29, 2012


What does it look like when God is at work?  Is it flashy and loud?  Does it draw attention to itself or focus on the unusual?  Would you even notice if God was working right next to you?  Most of us have difficulty seeing where God is working for any number of reasons. 

When God works and we see it; that is our invitation to join Him there.  Joining Him requires our obedience and action.  To obey and act we must (more often than not) make adjustments in our lives.  These adjustments could be emotional, spiritual, and or physical.  Sometimes it is all three !

Today at our worship service we saw God working.  God moved our hearts and revealed where He is working at NHBC.  When asked where God was working this past week; three individuals shared their experiences.  It was powerful and moving.  What I noticed was that it was three of the newest folks in our body.  It made some of old timers uncomfortable to see and hear about God intervening in their personal lives.  

Why would that make us uncomfortable or make us sit us and take notice?  Maybe we have forgotten what it is like to have God intervene in our lives; maybe we take it for granted, maybe we just need to rejoice with those who rejoice.

I have my ideas and convictions about what happen today; what about you ?  Care to share?

Thursday, January 26, 2012


This blogging thing is really a useful tool providing one knows how to use it! We send out notices that we have a blog and ask folks to read it and become members.  Then we write jot down put into print our thoughts, mind sets. 

So how different is that from what we are suppose to be doing with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  We spend enormous amount of time on various media playing games, keeping up with each other, research (that what I call just surfing the net) and even do our personal business on line. 

Have we ever thought of utilizing the chat rooms and the various media outlets to spread the Gospel to those far and wide?  Is it possible... YES !!   Have I done it?   Oh yes !!  And yes I have led people to the saving knowledge of Jesus over the Internet; they were from other countries too.  My last endeavor over this medium was to lead my grandson to saving faith in Jesus via text over our phones.

Is it cheapening the Gospel or somehow not the "authorized" way of witnessing?  NOPE !!!   It is utilizing anything and everything to get the Gospel out there. We (the modern church) have this notion that if build it they will come.... only in the movies my dear friends.  The best and most effective (not efficient) way of spreading the Gospel is to be a living breathing billboard for Jesus !  Yes, your lifestyle is the most important and the most seen/read/observed/monitored/explored and whatever else you might think of.  When people ask what makes you weird (they don't say different anymore) then you can take the opportunity and tell them the story of Jesus and present His salvation to them for them to choose.

So the next time you get a friend request or so and so is searching for you.  Or even if you go into some chat rooms.  Spread the Good News of the Savior who dies for you and them!  Tell 'em bout this Jesus and don't be afraid to say what needs to be said.  After all; they can't see ya BUT they can hear ya now !

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I am reading a great book entitled " Transformational Church" by Ed Stetzer and
Thomas Rainer.  It is a book about how churches must be "transformational" and just not the usual business as normal attitude.  Here are few one liners that give you a taste of the book...

"Churches do not change until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change."

"Too many churches attempt to gain hope and strength from the sentimentality of a bygone era of ministry success."

"The first lesson these churches (Transformational) must (re)learn is to rely on God's empowered mission than personal preferences of the congregation."

This is awesome stuff....

What are your thoughts on these quotes?

Pastor Dan